Archive for September, 2020

The Brain in the Woods

September 13, 2020

We’ve been busy constructing the Jaxpety catio and doing other things. Imagine my surprise when I saw a brain at the base of a large pine tree.

No kidding, my first reaction was that it was a white brain sitting in the pine needles.

I was so close to the truth.

It’s a mushroom! Growing next to poison ivy. I squealed a bit when I saw where I was standing. I’m pretty sure I swore a little.

One online description says it looks like a brain or cauliflower. I know one thing – it’s huge.

There was a big piece of pine bark stuck in it. When I pulled it out, it pulled out bits of the brainy cauliflower stuck to it.

I posted a photo online, and people said EAT. IT.

Have you ever been wrong about something and lived to regret it? I decided if I and my expert online friends were wrong, I might not live to regret it.

I read up on how to harvest it and clean it and cook it.

Maybe next year. They grow back in the same spot, usually at the base of a large pine tree in the woods, which was the exact location of my brain.

Meet me back here in one year and we will talk about my brain again.

Bluffton’s Favorite Recipes

September 6, 2020

The other day, we were talking about recipes, and Leslie reached into a washstand and pulled out a book.

Well, look at that. It’s Bluffton’s Favorite Recipes, edited by THE WOMEN’S AUXILIARY, EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE CROSS, St. Luke’s Parish, Bluffton, S. C.

I said, “How did you know where this book was? You just reached into the washstand and pulled out this antique?” Don’t laugh, but he said, “That’s where I keep my recipe books.”

I have no clue where I keep my recipe books, in spite of being a home ec major back in the day.

All the ladies of the community contributed to this gem.

Leslie’s mother had a recipe for bread in the cookbook.

He said they never used margarine, so he is puzzled why she used margarine in her recipe.

The last page has all the names of the women who contributed to the recipe book. Thanks, ladies, for Bluffton’s Best Recipes!