The SaviScout

3/30/21: back to the hospital to the mammogram room for an implant clip called a SaviScout.

The nurse in Dr. Surgeon’s office explained that the SaviScout was used in place of a wire to mark the location of the DCIS. I was confounded by the word “wire”. Did you know that actual wires are inserted in a woman’s breast to mark the location that needs to be removed? I’m upset that women have to go through these things. It seems like butchery. We can talk more about that later.

The SaviScout is a locator clip that, when activated, gives off a signal that tells the surgeon where to excise. Of course, there is the equipment that activates the signal before the surgery and continues to read the location.

I’m back to the original mammogram room with the same nice technicians that I had before. The radiologist that is going to do the implanting is someone new to me. I was clamped in the machine much like before, but this time the clampage was such that the entry point was on my left lateral.

I had been told that this implant was going to be less traumatic than the stereotactic needle biopsy. I know I have to move forward in the process, but I don’t want to. Here I am anyway, clamped in the machine. The problem with this clamping is that my left arm has no where to rest. I’m reaching across open space to grasp the handhold, and I can’t easily maintain this position. My left hand is going numb. My arm is quivering, and I’m trying to hold it up with my right hand, which is also getting tired from the extra work.

The radiologist comes in the room behind me to my right. I never saw him, but his disembodied voice floated in the room. The technician asked him if he wanted a scalpel. He hummed and hawed and said “scalpel?” She said “yes, do you want a scalpel?” I wanted to tell them to stop saying *scalpel* because I can hear them. He decided that yes, he did want a scalpel, and I know that someone is going to get cut.

He moved into position to my left, still out of view, and told me that he was going to inject the area with a numbing injection. He asked me if I could feel pain, and I told him that no, I could only feel pressure. After inserting the device that would inject the clip, they had to take an x-ray to see if it was inserted in the correct position. They determined that everything was as it should be. In the meantime, I was moaning and quivering and my left arm was dead weight.

Finally, I am set free. It was not as painful and traumatic as the needle biopsy, but I don’t wish this on anyone.

The following Sunday was Easter. Dr. Surgeon is taking the week off, so that’s going to bump my lumpectomy to the week after. The nurse navigator is taking off the week of my lumpectomy. That’s usually the spring break week for this county because there’s a big golf tournament that usually takes place.

I’m scheduled for a COVID-19 test even though I’m fully vaccinated. This will take place 3 days before the lumpectomy, which is scheduled on Friday, April 16, 2021.

So the COVID-19 test. That was less than fun. I had an appointment at 10:30AM at a drive-through location across the street from the hospital. There’s a big medical RV parked in a back parking lot. A nice technician came out of the RV and approached my car from the passenger side. She asked for my name, and because she didn’t seem to understand what I was telling her, I pulled one of my medical bracelets off the gear shift and handed it to her. She then understood that I was who was supposed to be there, and I presented my ID.

I had to roll down my driver’s window, and she came around and explained that I would have to lower my mask in order for her to insert the swab that was as long as a knitting needle. She said that she had to leave it in position all the way back in my nasal passage in order for it to make contact for 5 to 6 seconds, and that some people had described the sensation like that of getting water up your nose, and that you might have a soft cough.

She inserted the swab gently but firmly, and I felt it go all the way to the back of my head. It was definitely a sensation of water in my nose, and then the cough came even though I tried to suppress it.

She withdrew the swab, and placed it in the medical tube, and said that I would be notified if the test was positive.

We’re on the countdown now. Three more days.


4 Responses to “The SaviScout”

  1. jefferson mcqueen Says:

    Hey Ruth, Thanks again for uncovering the Last Will and Testament for my Great-Great-Aunt Martha Ellen “Mattie” Mason… Jefferson Mason McQueenLoudon, Tennessee

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Audrey Bateson Says:

    Hi Ruth, keep fighting no matter what hoops you have to jump through!  Seems some medics have lost their compassion and Don’t care what they discuss within range of the patients hearing!  Take care, stay safe! 💖Audrey   Hello to Leslie

    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Luanne Says:

    Sending hugs from Arizona!

    Liked by 1 person

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