More Than One Hundred and Thirty-Eight Years Later: the Bateson Brothers at Laurel Grove

I’ve written about Christopher Henry Bateson and his brother Thomas quite a bit. They both served together during the Civil War. They lived to return to Savannah, but both died young. 

And a strange turn of events happened. 

Julie in Brussels found their death records in the City of Savannah Cemetery database. She contacted me online using the messaging system. 

I contacted Sugar, and we went to Laurel Grove where we found that the graves were not marked. Sugar ordered a marker for the whole family which was placed in 2014. 

Another cousin found the blog, and he and his wife came to see us and visit the Bateson plot in January of 2015. Almost a year later, that same cousin contacted the president of the local chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy to see if she had any info about these brothers.

She located their records, and ordered a military marked for each man. 

This past week, those stones were set. 

Today we find…

I’m actually quite speechless. 

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5 Responses to “More Than One Hundred and Thirty-Eight Years Later: the Bateson Brothers at Laurel Grove”

  1. Sharon Says:

    Simply wonderful turn of events, Ruth. You are a great cat-a-list. ☺

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Libby Hromika Says:

    Good work, both of you!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Mo Says:

    Wow! That’s completely amazing! We’re you thinking they’d be the metal Confederate veteran marker…

    Liked by 1 person

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