Peachy the Cat

I have a confession to make.  I relocated a “soft feral” cat from a place where he was living and was unwanted, and I moved him to the back of the grooming business.  I had offered to trap him and get him fixed and vaccinated, and the woman said she didn’t want him around anymore, so would I just take him to the shelter and have him euthanized?

Ummmm.  How ’bout no?

I did trap him, get him fixed and vaccinated, and then I released him at the back of the grooming business which has a nice tree-line and underbrush back boundary.  I didn’t tell anyone.

Sugar commented about this nice cat that just showed up one day at the back of the grooming business.  The cat couldn’t be touched but he liked to hang around, sometimes brushing up against our cars if we had parked in the back.  When you park behind the business, you can go through the gate into the play yard and then into the back side door into the building.  Sugar decided that this nice cat needed a feeding station.  So he proceeded to make one because he’s just clever like that.

This electrical cart has been reborn as a feral cat feeding station.

Then we started having a problem with ants in the dry cat food, so we took a big metal bowl, put some water in the bottom, and set the smaller bowl inside the bigger bowl.  The water made a little moat, and the ants would not cross the moat to overtake the castle food. 

This boarder is confused about all the fuss over a *cat*.

BabyBoy thinks we should call him “Beige-y”.  I suppose he has a point, but I think he just wants to make fun of us old folks.  

See the Peach at the tree line? Click on the image if you need help.

Recently I fessed up to Sugar about the Peach. 

Sugar:  “I still wonder where that cat came from?  Do you suppose that someone just put him out?”

YoursTruly:  “Hmm.  I wonder.  Oh, look his left ear is ear-tipped.  That means he’s fixed and vaccinated.  Now, who would do that?”

Sugar:  “Do you suppose that the folks at the Spay/Neuter clinic next door did that?”

YoursTruly:  “Are you kidding me?  Why would they do that?  Who would do something like that?  I repeat, Who. Would. Do. Something. Like. That.?”

Sugar:  “Yes, it’s odd, isn’t it?”

YoursTruly:  (exhaling)  “Sugar.  Really.  Think hard.”  (Taking his head in my hands and staring into his eyes.)

Sugar:  “Ohhhhh.”


Peachy has become so comfortable that he’s out and about in the daytime, sometimes within 5 feet of us, but never allowing us to touch him.  Recently, he was captured, photo-style, visiting the dogs in the play yard.

Sophie the Christmas Puppy (yes, she lives there at the grooming business now – that’s another story) watches the Peach make an exit.

Peachy: "Hey, Soph! What's shakin'?"

Sophie: "Wait, Peachy! Come back!"

 Then Sugar decided that, what with the recent heavy rains, that Peachy needed a shelter.  He took an unused dog crate, put it under the trees, and put hay in it.

We weren’t sure if Peachy was using the hay house, until one day I drove around the building and caught him in the act.

High and dry.

And when I adjust the photo and crop it… 

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4 Responses to “Peachy the Cat”

  1. Sharon Says:

    What do you mean they have their ears tagged? Do all clinics do this for feral cats?

    You and Sugar are good people! Love these stories.


    • ruthrawls Says:

      All the clinics I know of ear-tip or ear-notch feral cats. Peachy has had about 1/4″ of the tip of the left ear removed during surgery. It’s a universal symbol that a feral cat is fixed and vaccinated. You can look at the website for the Alley Cat Allies to see other photos. I know of one facility that takes a notch out of the side of the right ear. Sylvia the cat has that.
      If I trap an ear-tipped cat, I know to release it.
      Sugar always goes the extra mile. I usually only go about a quarter mile.


  2. Sharon Says:

    Well, that explains a lot! I thought it was quite a coincidence that all my cats have nothces in their ear from scrapping including my Slayer, who just recently came home with a nick on his right ear! I think it is because he has a doppleganger and the neighbor (who feeds strays) thought my cat was the “Phantom”, but of course my rescue Slayer is fixed and chipped.
    Thanks for the information, Ruth.


  3. Peachy the Cat, Part Two « Ruthrawls's Blog Says:

    […] folks might remember Peachy the Cat?  He’s a soft feral cat that I relocated from another colony that was in danger of being […]


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