Magnolia Plantation and Gardens, Part 3, Or, Don’t Say I Didn’t Warn You

St. Andrews Episcopal Church

We found our way to the St. Andrews Episcopal Church.  No clue what I’m talking about?  Here’s the link to the Magnolia Gardens and the mention of Reverend Drayton.

If you don't feel like clicking on the link, here's the photo of the historical marker.

Historical marker for the Rev. John G. Drayton


The first of many photos taken through the windows of the church. Strangely, no one has ever stopped me.


That's my flash on the opposite window, not a ghost.


I did not steal one of these bricks stored with the A/C unit. But I wanted to.


The back of the church, taken from the side, if that makes sense.


A side entrance, taken from the side.


The marker by the side door


And we're back to the front. There's an inscription over the door. I can't read it from here, but Sugar has a book (of course) that says what it is. I'll get right on that.

Anybody want a biscuit?

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