Wrapping Up Dahlonega: the CamScanner

(I started writing this post on the iPhone a week ago, but stepped away, mid-post, to get a cup of tea, and the cats pressed “POST”. I figured out how to delete it.)


Almost 2 years ago we were on a pilgrimage to Dahlonega, where Sugar’s great-grandfather was the 2nd president of the North Georgia College. We located the site of their home, after we got home and looked over our research.


I’ve learned about a handy app called a CamScanner. You install a scanner on your phone, and you can edit your photos that you take with the CamScanner feature.

I found the walking tour brochure for the neighborhood where the family of William Starr Basinger lived, and I camscanned it and highlighted the two lots where they lived.

So there’s the contents of the brochure. I went back to the map of the neighborhood, and outlined the lots where the Basinger house was. Keep in mind, the actual image of the lot is smaller than the size of  a postage stamp and I’m drawing with my little finger because I don’t have a stylus thingy. The lots front Water Street.

Plus it’s my first attempt and there’s a learning curve. Overall, I’m pleased. Now the lot location is out there on the big internet!


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One Response to “Wrapping Up Dahlonega: the CamScanner”

  1. The Coastal Crone Says:

    Very impressive! Cats can be very helpful, can’t they?

    Liked by 1 person

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